Hi, I'm Ángel Gutierrez

A passionate Frontend Web Developer having 2+ years of experience building Web applications with JavaScript / HTML / CSS / Reactjs / Nodejs and some other cool libraries and frameworks. Looking to collaborate with a company or project to face new challenges and gain more experience.

What I do

Frontend Web Developer who wants to create quality, fast, robust and really cool apps

💻 Develop highly interactive Front end / User Interfaces for your web.

💻 Build declarative user interfaces for the web using React.

💻 Implement new JS standards in the creation of a web app to handle remote data, consume APIs and use unit tests.

💻 Use CLI, manage servers, develop and publish APIs, configure databases creating communication between the application, database and server.




Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Puruándiro
Information and Comunication Technologies Engineering
February 2015 - October 2020

I completed an engineering degree in ICT where I acquired the following skills:

  • Design, develop and maintain database systems ensuring the integrity, availability and confidentiality of stored information.
  • Develop and implement information systems for control and decision making using methodologies based on international standards.
  • Analyze, design and program applications for mobile devices and computers, innovating, updating and sharing knowledge.
  • Work efficiently in teams that establish goals, plans, tasks and meet specific deadlines.
Full Stack Javascript Developer
November 2020 - June 2021

Participated in a schoolarship where I acquired the following skills:

  • Design and build from the frontend to the backend a dynamic website using HTML, CSS, and Javascript
  • Implement new JS standards in the creation of a web app to handle remote data, consume APIs and use unit tests.
  • Build declarative user interfaces for the web using React.
  • Use CLI, manage servers, develop and publish APIs, configure databases creating communication between the application, database and server. Also giving maintenance to the application.


Full Stack Developer
Jun 2018 – Present

I've worked building different projects such as e-commerce, admin panels, and customized software in order to help clients to have their software solution implemented, using Full Stack Technologies to implement both Front-End and Back-End infrastructure.

    Scio Consulting
    Full Stack Developer - Bootcamp
    Feb 2020 – Jun 2020

    I participated in a software development Bootcamp at Scio Consulting, where I learned some of the most used technologies and tools of the moment by creating projects using Angular JS, React JS, Node JS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Node.js, Git, Git Hub, MVC, Scrum, JSON, HTML, CSS, SQL & NoSQL.

      Full Stack Javascript Developer
      Nov 2020 – Jun 2021

      • Ecommerce project created using MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node)
      • Use CLI, manage servers, develop and publish APIs, configure databases creating communication between the application, database and server.


      Cava Don Carlos


      Ecommerce dedicated to the sale of alcoholic beverages.


      Bedu Store


      Ecommerce dedicated to sell Bedu products, implementing paypal payment methods and email service.




      Really cool landing page design using HTML, CSS & Javascript




      Pokedex made using vue.js and SASS


      Expense Tracker


      Expense Tracker app

      Reach Out to me!

      Feel free to contact me through any of my social networks

      Frontend Developer | Full Stack Developer

      Morelia, Mich